20118 N 67th Ave Ste 308

Glendale, AZ 85308

Zygomatic Implants in Glendale, AZ

Zygomatic Implants at Smile Science Dental Spa

Welcome to Smile Science Dental Spa, the leading dental implant center in Glendale, Arizona, where cutting-edge zygomatic implant technology meets unparalleled dental expertise. Our esteemed doctors, Dr. Richard Dawson, Dr. John Turke, and Dr. Christopher Barrett, are pioneers in zygomatic dental implant surgery, offering innovative solutions for patients who may have been told they’re not candidates for traditional dental implants due to insufficient bone density.

At Smile Science Dental Spa, we recognize the transformative power of a complete and functional smile. Our dedication to excellence is evident in our specialized focus on zygomatic implants—a groundbreaking approach for those requiring full dental implants but lack the bone for standard implantation. By anchoring implants in the zygomatic bone, we provide a robust foundation for implant dentures, ensuring a secure, aesthetic, and long-lasting solution for whole mouth dental implants.

Why Choose Smile Science for Zygomatic Implants?

Selecting Smile Science Dental Spa for your zygomatic implant surgery means putting your trust in the capable hands of our skilled surgeons. Our practice in Glendale, Arizona, stands out for its:

Before After

Are Zygomatic Implants Right for You?

Zygomatic implants are the solution for patients unable to undergo conventional implant surgery due to inadequate jawbone. If you’ve faced challenges such as implant failure, no bone for dental implants, or have been told you can’t get dental implants, our team is ready to change that narrative. We offer financial plans tailored to your budget, ensuring that revolutionary dental care is accessible to you. Discover how zygomatic implants can restore not just your smile, but your confidence and quality of life.

See What Our Patients are Saying

Discover the Zygomatic Implant Advantage

In the welcoming environment of our Glendale clinic, zygomatic implants stand as a beacon of hope for those seeking a permanent solution to extensive tooth loss without the limitations of traditional implants. Under the expert guidance of Dr. Dawson, Dr. Turke, and Dr. Barrett, your path to a rejuvenated smile is supported by the latest in dental technology and a compassionate team, committed to redefining your dental experience.

Discover the Zygomatic Implant Advantage

In the welcoming environment of our Glendale clinic, zygomatic implants stand as a beacon of hope for those seeking a permanent solution to extensive tooth loss without the limitations of traditional implants. Under the expert guidance of Dr. Dawson, Dr. Turke, and Dr. Barrett, your path to a rejuvenated smile is supported by the latest in dental technology and a compassionate team, committed to redefining your dental experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Zygomatic implants are specialized long dental implants designed to anchor directly into the zygomatic bone, also known as the cheekbone. This innovative approach is tailored for patients with significant jawbone loss, where traditional implants are not feasible. Zygomatic implants eliminate the need for extensive bone grafting, offering a stable and durable foundation for full mouth dental restorations.

Unlike traditional dental implants that require a healthy and sufficient jawbone for support, zygomatic implants leverage the denser zygomatic bone. This makes them an ideal solution for patients with severe bone atrophy or those who have previously encountered dental implant failure. By utilizing the zygomatic bone for support, these implants provide a reliable foundation for prosthetic teeth, even in cases where other implant options are not viable.

Zygomatic implant surgery is a complex, yet highly effective procedure conducted under general anesthesia or IV sedation by our team of board-certified dental anesthesiologists. The process involves the precise placement of implants into the zygomatic bone. Patients typically experience minimal discomfort during recovery, which can be effectively managed with prescribed pain medication. The outcome is a secure, natural-looking smile. Recovery time may vary, but most patients can resume normal activities within a few days, with complete healing and integration occurring over the following months.

For the All-on-4® treatment, you will need exactly four implants per arch. This strategically optimized number allows for maximum use of available bone, offering a comprehensive and secure solution for those requiring full upper and/or lower teeth replacement.

Patients may experience some discomfort and swelling immediately following the surgery, which is normal for most surgical procedures. However, discomfort is typically minimal and can be effectively managed with medication prescribed by your dental surgeon. Our team prioritizes patient comfort and will provide comprehensive care instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.

The recovery process after zygomatic implant surgery involves a period of healing and adjustment. Initially, patients may be advised to follow a soft diet to minimize pressure on the implants while they integrate with the bone. Swelling and discomfort can be expected but are generally manageable with medications. Follow-up visits will be scheduled to monitor the healing process and to ensure the implants are integrating properly. Most patients can return to their normal daily activities within a week, with full integration and healing of the implants expected over the next few months.

The All-on-4® treatment is generally designed for patients who are missing most or all of their teeth in an arch. However, if you have healthy teeth remaining, alternative treatment options may be considered. Your dentist will evaluate your specific situation and recommend the best course of action for your oral health needs.

With proper care and maintenance, zygomatic implants can last a lifetime. The longevity of the implants largely depends on good oral hygiene practices and regular dental check-ups. These implants are designed to provide a permanent solution for patients with significant bone loss, offering a durable and stable foundation for prosthetic teeth.

As with any surgical procedure, zygomatic implant surgery carries some risk of complications. However, these risks are relatively low and can include sinus issues, infection, or implant failure. Our experienced dental team employs meticulous planning and advanced surgical techniques to minimize these risks. Patients are closely monitored throughout the recovery process to address any concerns promptly.

Zygomatic implants are typically made from titanium, a material well-known for its strength, durability, and biocompatibility. Titanium is able to integrate with bone tissue effectively, making it an ideal choice for dental implants. The use of titanium ensures that the implants are both safe for the body and capable of providing a long-lasting foundation for dental prostheses.

Begin your transformative dental journey at Smile Science Dental Spa. Reach out to us via phone or conveniently schedule your appointment online. 

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