20118 N 67th Ave Ste 308

Glendale, AZ 85308

Root Canals in Glendale, AZ

Root Canals at Smile Science Dental Spa

Are you enduring relentless tooth pain, and yearning for a treatment that promises both relief and comfort? Your quest concludes at Smile Science Dental Spa. Our accomplished team of dental professionals are adept at performing root canal treatments – a procedure feared by many but transformed into a comfortable experience at our Spa.

By employing state-of-the-art technology and innovative techniques, we aim to minimize discomfort while maximizing effectiveness. Our root canal procedure is meticulously performed to alleviate your pain and preserve your tooth. We meticulously clean the infected pulp, disinfect the area, and fill it to seal the tooth, protecting it from any future infections.

But what truly sets us apart is our compassionate approach. We understand that root canals can be intimidating, so we make it our mission to ensure you feel relaxed and at ease throughout the procedure. Our spa-like setting, coupled with our expert team, allows you to replace the anxiety often associated with dental treatments with an aura of calm and tranquility.

At Smile Science Dental Spa, say goodbye to persistent toothaches and welcome a radiant, healthier smile that truly sparkles. Experience the difference of a dental spa – where your comfort is our priority and your smile, our commitment.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a dental procedure that is performed when the pulp, or the soft tissue inside a tooth, becomes infected or inflamed. The pulp contains nerves and blood vessels that supply the tooth with nutrients and sensation. When the pulp becomes damaged from infection or trauma, it can begin to die, which causes severe pain, sensitivity, or even an abscess. During the root canal procedure, we will numb the area around the tooth and make a small hole to get to the pulp chamber. We then use special tools to remove the damaged or infected pulp, clean the inside of the tooth, and properly shape it to be sealed up with filling material. Once the tooth is prepared, we fill each root canal (there can be more than one in each tooth) with a rubbery material. This will prevent further infection and protect the tooth from future damage. In most cases, the tooth will require a crown for additional strength and support. Hollowing out the tooth for the root canal procedure can make the tooth much weaker. Root canals are a common and effective way to save a damaged or infected tooth and prevent the need for extraction. With proper care and regular check-ups, a root canal can last for many years and allow you to maintain a healthy, natural smile.

Is a Root Canal Painful?

People often believe that root canal procedures are painful. However, with modern techniques and anesthesia, it is generally no more uncomfortable than a routine dental filling. In fact, the worst part of the root canal is pain and suffering you experience before we perform the procedure. In fact, the purpose of a root canal procedure is to relieve the pain and discomfort that is caused by an infected or inflamed tooth. During the root canal procedure, we administer enough local anesthesia to numb your tooth and ensure that you are comfortable throughout the entire process. Most patients are pleasantly surprised that the procedure is far less traumatic than they imagined. In rare cases,you may experience some post-operative pain or sensitivity for a few days after the procedure. However, this can easily be managed with over-the-counter pain medication and usually subsides within a few days.

How long does a root canal take?

The time it takes to complete a root canal procedure is highly variable. However, we generally tell patients to expect it to take around 1 hour for a front tooth, 90 minutes for a lower molar, and 2 hours for an upper molar. The time it takes depends on many factors, including your age, how long the tooth has needed a root canal, and where the tooth is located in the mouth. If we expect your root canal procedure to take longer than usual, we make every effort to warn you, though we don't have a magic crystal ball!

Are there any risks associated with a root canal?

As with any dental procedure, there are a number of risks associated with root canal procedures. Here are a few potential risks to be aware of:

  1. In many cases, root canals are performed to eliminate infection. However, in rare cases, infection may persist. This is why it is important to return for follow-up appointments and x-rays to ensure the infection goes away after root canal treatment. There are many reasons a root canal treatment can fail, including your body’s inability to eliminate the bacteria, systemic factors such as diabetes or autoimmune disorders, or the failure of the root canal treatment to fully eradicate the infection.
  2. In very rare cases, it is possible for nearby structures to be damaged during a root canal procedure. Upper molars are very close to the sinuses, and it is possible for a treating clinician to inadvertently enter the sinus while working on an upper molar. Lower molars can be very close to the main nerve that provides sensation for much of the jaw and mouth. In woman especially, it is possible for a root canal to cause damage to this nerve. 
  3. Adjacent teeth may sometimes be damaged by the tools and materials used during root canal procedures.
  4. The medicaments used to treat the inside of the tooth can cause significant harm to surrounding tissues if it escapes the tooth. Although extremely rare, this can lead to chemical burns and substantial injuries. Even though it is extremely rare, we take every precaution to ensure it doesn’t happen to you.

What is the success rate?

In general, the success rate for root canal therapy is very high. According to one report that looked at 487,476 root canals treatments, 98% lasted one year, 92% lasted five years, and 86% lasted ten years or more. As with all dental treatments, the longevity of a root canal depends on many factors including: patient age, quality of the restoration (crown or filling), timely treatment, and where in the mouth the tooth is located.

What is the recovery period like?

In the vast majority of cases, you will be feeling normal again within a few days. In fact, most patients are pleasantly surprised that they are feeling significantly better the next day. In rare cases, it may take longer for the pain to subside. If you are experiencing pain for a week or more, then we may need to re-evaluate your root canal treatment to ensure everything is healing properly and that nothing was missed.

Can I eat normally after a root canal?

In most cases you can eat normally after a root canal procedure. However, the tooth may be uncomfortable in the days following the procedure, so you may want to limit chewing on that side until it feels better. We recommend that you go at your own pace. Your tooth will let you know what (not) to do!

Will I need a crown after the root canal is finished?

In most cases you will need a crown after the root canal treatment is completed. In order to perform the root canal procedure, we hollow out the tooth from the inside. This makes the tooth significantly weaker. One way to think about it is to compare a whole pumpkin to a jack-o-lantern. Once the pumpkin is hollowed-out, it becomes much more fragile. Dental crowns are made of hard and durable materials that can provide strength to the weakened tooth.

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