20118 N 67th Ave Ste 308

Glendale, AZ 85308

Implant-Supported Dentures in Glendale, AZ

Implant-Supported Dentures Smile Science Dental Spa

Welcome to Smile Science Dental Spa, your gateway to groundbreaking dental restoration in the heart of Glendale, Arizona. Our distinguished team, led by Dr. Richard Dawson, Dr. John Turke, and Dr. Christopher Barrett, excels in the latest implant-supported denture technologies, offering a new lease on life for individuals desiring a full smile makeover.

At Smile Science Dental Spa, we’re passionate about the life-changing impact of a radiant, functional smile. That’s why we’ve dedicated our practice to providing top-tier implant dentures, including options like snap-on overdentures, fixed, screw-in, and permanent implant dentures. These innovative solutions go beyond traditional dentures, offering a stable, secure, and visually appealing solution for tooth replacement.

Why Choose Smile Science?

Choosing Smile Science Dental Spa for your implant-supported dentures means you’re in the care of Glendale, Arizona’s most skilled implant dentists. Our practice is celebrated for its:

Before After

Are You a candidate for Implant-Supported dentures?

If you’re seeking a durable solution for extensive tooth loss, our implant-supported dentures at Smile Science Dental Spa could be your answer. We are committed to providing this life-enhancing procedure in an accessible and affordable manner. Our array of financial solutions ensures that superior dental care is within your reach. Our expertise in achieving exceptional clinical results positions us to meet a wide range of dental needs. Discover how our implant dentures can rejuvenate your smile and confidence!

See What Our Patients are Saying

Experience the Smile Science Difference

In the welcoming environment of our Glendale clinic, we offer a spectrum of implant denture solutions, tailored to meet the individual needs of our patients. From the initial consultation to meticulous follow-up care, our dedicated team ensures a smooth and comfortable journey towards your dream smile.

Under the expert guidance of Dr. Dawson, Dr. Turke, and Dr. Barrett, embark on your journey to a renewed smile, supported by the latest in dental technology and a caring, professional team. We’re dedicated to transforming your dental experience into one of ease, comfort, and confidence.

Experience the Smile Science Difference

In the welcoming environment of our Glendale clinic, we offer a spectrum of implant denture solutions, tailored to meet the individual needs of our patients. From the initial consultation to meticulous follow-up care, our dedicated team ensures a smooth and comfortable journey towards your dream smile.

Under the expert guidance of Dr. Dawson, Dr. Turke, and Dr. Barrett, embark on your journey to a renewed smile, supported by the latest in dental technology and a caring, professional team. We’re dedicated to transforming your dental experience into one of ease, comfort, and confidence.

Frequently Asked Questions

Implant-supported dentures represent a significant advancement in tooth replacement technologies. They are anchored securely onto implants that have been surgically placed into your jawbone, offering a stable and permanent solution vastly superior to traditional dentures. These dentures are fixed and non-removable, providing a reliable alternative that enhances comfort, function, and aesthetics. They are designed to offer patients a sense of security and normalcy, closely mimicking natural teeth in both appearance and functionality.

Implant-supported dentures differentiate themselves from conventional dentures by providing a fixed, permanent solution that integrates with the jawbone, effectively eliminating common issues such as slippage and the need for adhesives. This integration ensures that the dentures feel and function much like natural teeth, allowing for a broader range of food choices and improving speech. Moreover, they help preserve the jawbone and facial structure, preventing the bone loss typically associated with traditional dentures.

The "all-on-x" terminology refers to a method where a full arch of prosthetic teeth is supported by a variable number of implants, with "x" indicating that the exact count is tailored to the patient's specific needs. This flexible approach allows us to customize the treatment based on individual bone density and oral health conditions, ensuring a secure and stable foundation for the new teeth. Whether the plan involves All-on-4®, all-on-6, or any other variation, the strategy is precisely adapted to offer optimal support and aesthetics. During your evaluation, we'll determine the most suitable number of implants to achieve the best possible outcome, blending functionality with natural appearance.

Caring for your implant-supported dentures involves a regimen similar to that of natural teeth, underscoring the importance of good oral hygiene practices. Regular brushing, flossing, and the use of recommended cleaning agents are essential to maintaining the health of your dentures and the underlying implants. Additionally, periodic dental check-ups are crucial for ensuring the longevity and success of your implant-supported dentures, allowing for any adjustments or maintenance that may be required over time.

Insurance coverage for implant-supported dentures varies significantly by provider and plan. Many insurance companies may offer partial coverage for certain aspects of the implant procedure, recognizing the therapeutic and functional benefits of these advanced dental solutions. We strongly recommend consulting with your insurance provider to fully understand your benefits and coverage limits. Furthermore, our team is available to discuss financing options, ensuring that you have access to the best possible care without undue financial stress.

Implant-supported dentures are designed for longevity, offering a durable solution for tooth replacement. The implants themselves, made of titanium, can last a lifetime with proper care and maintenance, integrating with the jawbone to form a stable foundation. The denture prosthesis attached to these implants can also have an extended lifespan, often several decades, but may require adjustments or replacements due to wear and tear over time. Regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene are crucial to maximize the lifespan of your implant-supported dentures.

The procedure to place implant-supported dentures involves surgery, which can lead to some discomfort and swelling in the days following the procedure. However, most patients report that any discomfort is manageable with medications prescribed by their dentist or surgeon. The process itself is performed under anesthesia, ensuring a pain-free experience during the surgery. Once healed, implant-supported dentures are generally more comfortable than traditional dentures because they don't cause sore spots or slip, providing a stable and secure fit.

Immediately following the implant surgery and during the healing process, you may be advised to adhere to a soft diet to protect the implants and promote healing. Once the healing period is complete and the dentures are fully integrated and functional, patients can enjoy most of their favorite foods with confidence. However, it's recommended to avoid extremely hard or sticky foods that could potentially damage the dentures or harm the underlying implants.

Yes, implant-supported dentures can have several positive impacts on your oral health. Unlike traditional dentures that rest on the gums, implant-supported dentures stimulate the jawbone through the implants, helping to prevent bone loss that commonly occurs with tooth loss. This stimulation helps maintain jawbone integrity and supports the facial structure, contributing to overall oral health and aesthetics.

Caring for implant-supported dentures involves routine oral hygiene practices similar to those for natural teeth. This includes regular brushing, flossing, and the use of an antimicrobial mouthwash to prevent plaque buildup and infections. Additionally, you'll need to visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and professional cleanings to ensure the implants, dentures, and surrounding gum tissue remain healthy.

Implant-supported dentures are designed to look and feel like natural teeth. Advances in dental technology and materials allow for the creation of dentures that closely match the appearance of your natural teeth, offering a cosmetic solution that can significantly improve your smile and facial aesthetics. Most people will not be able to tell that you have implant-supported dentures.

By addressing these questions and following through with a consultation with your dental professional, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of what to expect with implant-supported dentures and how they can benefit your overall quality of life.

Begin your transformative dental journey at Smile Science Dental Spa. Reach out to us via phone or conveniently schedule your appointment online. 

American Orthodontic Society (AOS) Logo
American Dental Association (ADA) Logo
Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) Logo
American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) Logo
Acadeny of Laser Dentistry (ALD) Logo
International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI) Logo
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