20118 N. 67th Ave #308, Cave Creek, AZ 85308

20118 N. 67th Ave #308, Cave Creek, AZ 85308

Smile Science Dental Spa Logo

Snap-in Implant dentures

No adhesives, better stability, more options than dentures.

Before After

What Are Snap-in Implant Dentures?

Snap-in implant dentures represent a significant advancement in dental restoration, combining the robust stability of dental implants with the versatility and convenience of removable dentures. This innovative solution is tailored for individuals desiring a more secure and comfortable alternative to traditional dentures. Here’s a closer look at snap-in implant dentures, their mechanism, and the multitude of benefits they offer.

Snap-in implant dentures mark a forward leap in dental prosthetic solutions, offering individuals a pathway to regain not just the functionality of their teeth but also the confidence that comes with a secure, natural-looking smile. This innovative approach to dental restoration stands as a testament to the continuous advancements in dental care, promising improved quality of life for many.

Increasing function of dental prostheses graph

Patient Reviews

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Life-Changing Results

Smile transformations from our actual patients

Before After
Before After
Before After

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Implant Survey
Step 1 of 16

How Snap-in Implant Dentures Work

All-on-4® is a dental implant solution designed for individuals who have lost most or all of their teeth. This procedure can restore the function and appearance of natural teeth with a minimally invasive approach. Here’s how it works:


Assess suitability for snap-in implant dentures, discuss goals, and review medical history.


Pre-Treatment Appointment

Finalize treatment plan, take mouth impressions, and discuss anesthesia options.

Pre-Treatment Appointment

Surgery Day

Place the dental implants into the jawbone. In most cases, you will leave with a healing denture.

Surgery Day

Post-Operative Check-Ups

Monitor healing and address any immediate post-surgical concerns.

Post-Operative Check-Ups

Healing Period

Allow 3-6 months for osseointegration, where the implants bond with the jawbone.

Healing Period

Impressions for Final Prosthesis

Take mouth impressions / scans for the final snap-in implant denture.

Impressions for Final Prosthesis

Fitting of Permanent Prosthesis

Deliver the final snap-in implant denture.

Fitting of Permanent Prosthesis

Follow-Up and Maintenance

Ensure the health of the implants and the surrounding tissue.

Follow-Up and Maintenance


Assess suitability for snap-in implant dentures, discuss goals, and review medical history.


Pre-Treatment Appointment

Finalize treatment plan, take mouth impressions, and discuss anesthesia options.

Pre-Treatment Appointment

Surgery Day

Place the dental implants into the jawbone. In most cases, you will leave with a healing denture.

Surgery Day

Post-Operative Check-Ups

Monitor healing and address any immediate post-surgical concerns.

Post-Operative Check-Ups

Healing Period

Allow 3-6 months for osseointegration, where the implants bond with the jawbone.

Healing Period

Impressions for Final Prosthesis

Take mouth impressions / scans for the final snap-in implant denture.

Impressions for Final Prosthesis

Fitting of Permanent Prosthesis

Deliver the final snap-in implant denture.

Fitting of Permanent Prosthesis

Follow-Up and Maintenance

Ensure the health of the implants and the surrounding tissue.

Follow-Up and Maintenance

Implant Dentures vs. Traditional Dentures

Comparing features of traditional implants with snap-in implant dentures and All-on-4

Affording Snap-in Implant Dentures

At Smile Science Dental Spa, we believe in making your path to a renewed smile both accessible and affordable. That’s why we are excited to offer snap-in implant dentures as a versatile and cost-effective solution for those seeking an alternative to traditional dentures. Here’s our approach to ensuring this innovative treatment is within your reach:

Leading in Affordability Without Compromising Quality

Our clinic provides snap-in implant dentures at the most competitive prices in the region. Our commitment is to deliver high-quality dental care at affordable rates. We guarantee that our lower prices do not affect the excellent quality of care you will receive. With our experienced team and the latest dental technology, we ensure every patient benefits from the best possible treatment outcome.

Solutions for All Dental Conditions

We recognize that some individuals may not have the bone density typically required for conventional dental implants. To accommodate this, we offer specialized implant options that make snap-in implant dentures viable for nearly everyone. Our clinic is among the select few equipped with the expertise to handle these advanced implant techniques, opening the door for more patients to achieve their ideal smiles, even when other options seem limited.

Flexible Financing Options

We understand the importance of financial flexibility when considering dental care, which is why we offer a variety of financing options through partnerships with reputable third-party lenders. These options allow us to provide financing plans that can extend the payment period for your snap-in implant dentures up to 10 years, featuring low interest rates. Our aim is to make the cost of your dental care as affordable as a monthly cellphone bill, removing financial barriers to the smile you’ve always wanted.

Commitment to Your Dental Journey

Our philosophy is that financial concerns should not stand in the way of achieving a confident, beautiful smile. Our dedicated team is here to work closely with you to identify the most suitable financing plan, tailored to fit your budget. We are committed to ensuring that financial constraints do not delay your snap-in implant denture treatment, allowing you to embark on your dental restoration journey with peace of mind.

Snap-in Implant Dentures

Removable Implant Overdentures
$ 7,000+
  • Snaps securely over two or more implants
  • Custom color and design
  • An upgrade over traditional dentures

Affordable Financing Options

Dental implants are a significant investment in your health and self-confidence. Understanding the importance of this treatment, we offer the option to break down the investment into manageable monthly payments. This flexibility makes life-changing dental services more accessible, fitting comfortably into your budget. We collaborate with a range of financing providers to present payment plans that can cover the full or partial cost of your dental implant procedure. These options are particularly advantageous for all our patients, especially those managing a fixed income. With our flexible financing arrangements, you can achieve the benefits of a healthy, beautiful smile without financial stress.

Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions from patients are answered below

Snap-in implant dentures are a type of over-denture that is supported by and attached to implants. A snap-in denture fits over the implants and is secured by special attachments that provide a high level of stability and comfort. These dentures can be snapped on and off the implants, making them removable for cleaning and sleeping.

Yes, you can eat with your snap-in implant dentures from day one, but it's advisable to start with softer foods and gradually move to more solid foods as you adjust to your new dentures. This approach helps you get accustomed to the feel and function of the dentures while ensuring the implants are not overloaded immediately after placement.

The cost of snap-in implant dentures varies widely depending on the number of implants, the materials used for the dentures, and the specific needs of the patient. Generally, the treatment can range from $6,000 to $25,000 per jaw, but we provide this service at an affordable price without sacrificing quality and durability.

Snap-in implant dentures have been available for several decades, with significant advancements in materials and techniques over the years. The concept of dental implants dates back to the 1960s, but the technology and methods for snap-in dentures have continuously evolved to improve comfort, aesthetics, and functionality.

Care for snap-in implant dentures involves daily brushing and soaking. Remove the dentures at night, clean them with a soft brush and non-abrasive cleaner, and soak them in a denture-cleaning solution. It's also important to maintain oral hygiene by brushing your gums, tongue, and palate every morning before inserting the dentures.

New snap-in implant dentures may feel unfamiliar or slightly uncomfortable at first as your mouth adjusts to the presence of the implants and dentures. However, many patients report that they feel more natural and comfortable than traditional dentures because they are more stable and less likely to move or slip.

Most patients report minimal pain during and after the snap-in implant denture procedure, thanks to local anesthesia and sedation options. Post-operative discomfort is typically manageable with over-the-counter pain relievers and tends to subside within a few days.

After the procedure, you may experience some swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort, which is normal and can be managed with medication prescribed by your dentist. Most patients find that the discomfort diminishes significantly after the first few days.

Minor bleeding is common for the first 24 to 48 hours following the procedure. It should gradually decrease and can be managed by biting down gently on a gauze pad. If bleeding persists or increases, it's important to contact your dentist.

Yes, sedation options are available for the snap-in implant denture procedure to ensure patient comfort. Options range from mild sedation to help you relax to general anesthesia, where you are completely asleep. Your dentist will discuss the best sedation method based on your needs and the complexity of the procedure.

Increased salivation after receiving snap-in implant dentures is a common response as your mouth adjusts to the new appliances. This reaction is part of your mouth's natural way of adapting to what it perceives as a foreign object, and salivation should decrease as you become more accustomed to your dentures.

The typical recovery time varies depending on the individual's health, the complexity of the procedure, and how well post-operative care instructions are followed. Generally, most patients feel comfortable and adapted to their new dentures within a few weeks, with complete healing of the gums and bone integration with the implants taking several months.

Smile Science Dentures & Implants distinguishes itself through personalized care, the use of cutting-edge technology, and a commitment to affordable pricing without compromising quality. Their expertise in advanced procedures, including those for patients with insufficient bone for traditional implants, sets them apart from local competitors.

The difference lies in the personalized approach and commitment to patient satisfaction. Unlike corporate dental centers, Smile Science Dentures & Implants focuses on tailored treatment plans that meet the specific needs of each patient, offering a more intimate and caring environment.

It's recommended to have snap-in implant dentures professionally cleaned every 6 to 12 months, or as advised by your dental professional. Regular professional cleaning helps maintain oral health and ensures the longevity of your dentures and implants.

In many cases, snap-in implant dentures can be attached on the same day as the implant placement. This immediate loading of the dentures is possible with certain conditions and techniques, allowing patients to leave with functional teeth. However, the final decision depends on individual patient circumstances and the dentist's assessment.

You can typically start using a water flosser or Waterpik a few weeks after the procedure, but it's essential to follow your dentist's specific recommendations. Early use should be gentle to avoid disturbing the healing process.

Same-day attachment is facilitated by immediate load implants, designed to support dentures right after placement. This process requires precise planning and assessment by your dentist to ensure your jawbone can securely anchor the implants immediately.

Smile Science Dentures & Implants offers solutions like bone grafting or the use of specialized implants (e.g., zygomatic implants) for patients with insufficient bone. These advanced techniques make it possible for more patients to benefit from implant-supported dentures.

  1. Yes, in many cases, it is possible to perform extractions, implant placement, and attach the dentures all in the same day. This approach, known as "immediate loading," is dependent on the patient's oral health status and the dentist's evaluation of bone density and other factors critical to the success of the implants.


Increased salivation after receiving snap-in implant dentures is a common response as your mouth adjusts to the new dental appliance. It's a natural reflex to the presence of a foreign object, and salivation typically decreases as you become accustomed to your new dentures.

The recovery time can vary depending on the individual's healing ability and the complexity of the procedure. Generally, initial healing takes about 1-2 weeks, but it can take several months for the implants to fully integrate with the bone.

Smile Science Dentures & Implants distinguishes itself through personalized care, competitive pricing, advanced technology, and a team of highly skilled professionals dedicated to ensuring the best outcomes for their patients.

Smile Science Dentures & Implants offers a more personalized approach compared to corporate centers, focusing on tailored treatments to meet individual needs, and providing a higher level of patient care and satisfaction.

It's recommended to have snap-in implant dentures professionally cleaned every 6 months, similar to natural teeth, to maintain oral health and the longevity of the dentures.

Typically no. This healing period is required for your implants to integrate with the bone. However, the permanent dentures are typically attached after the implants have fully integrated with the bone, ensuring a secure fit in 3-6 months time.

You can start using a water flosser as soon as it's comfortable for you, but it's best to wait for your dentist's approval, usually after the initial healing period of 1-2 weeks.

Immediate-load implants allow for the attachment of dentures on the same day as the implant surgery. This process depends on adequate bone quality and stability of the implants at the time of surgery. However, this is not typically advisable with snap-in implant dentures, because they are less stable, and may cause implant failure.

Advanced techniques, such as bone grafting or the use of specialized implants (e.g., mini implants or zygomatic implants), can make it possible for patients with insufficient bone to receive snap-in implant dentures.

Yes, in some cases, it's possible to have teeth extracted, implants placed, and temporary dentures attached all in the same day, referred to as "immediate load" or "teeth in a day." This convenience reduces the overall treatment time and the number of surgical procedures.


20118 N 67th Ave. Ste 308
Glendale, AZ 85308

Phone & Fax

Phone: (480) 530-3663
Fax: (480) 530-3536

Business Hours

Monday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
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