20118 N. 67th Ave #308, Cave Creek, AZ 85308

20118 N. 67th Ave #308, Cave Creek, AZ 85308

Smile Science Dental Spa Logo

All-on-4® Dental Implants

Nothing else matches the fit, feel, and function of fixed implant dentures.

Before After

What is All-on-4®?

All-on-4® is an innovative dental procedure designed to provide a permanent, full-arch restoration for individuals with missing teeth. This solution combines the latest in dental technology with advanced surgical techniques to offer a comprehensive and efficient treatment option. Here’s what you need to know:

All-on-4 dental implants provide a revolutionary solution for those looking to restore their smile and dental function efficiently and effectively. This procedure represents a significant advancement in dental care, offering hope and improved quality of life for many.

Increasing function of dental prostheses graph

Patient Reviews

See what our patients are saying

Life-Changing Results

Smile transformations from our actual patients

Before After
Before After
Before After

Find out if you're a candidate

Fill out the survey to help us learn more about you and your goals.

Implant Survey
Step 1 of 16

How All-on-4® Works

All-on-4® is a dental implant solution designed for individuals who have lost most or all of their teeth. This procedure can restore the function and appearance of natural teeth with a minimally invasive approach. Here’s how it works:


Assess suitability for All-on-4®, discuss goals, and review medical history.


Pre-Treatment Appointment

Finalize treatment plan, take mouth impressions, and discuss anesthesia options.

Pre-Treatment Appointment

Surgery Day

Place the dental implants into the jawbone. In most cases, you will leave with a healing denture.

Surgery Day

Post-Operative Check-Ups

Monitor healing and address any immediate post-surgical concerns.

Post-Operative Check-Ups

Healing Period

Allow 3-6 months for osseointegration, where the implants bond with the jawbone.

Healing Period

Impressions for Final Prosthesis

Take mouth impressions / scans for the permanent teeth.

Impressions for Final Prosthesis

Fitting of Permanent Prosthesis

Replace the temporary teeth with the permanent, custom-made teeth.

Fitting of Permanent Prosthesis

Follow-Up and Maintenance

Ensure the health of the implants and the surrounding tissue.

Follow-Up and Maintenance


Assess suitability for All-on-4®, discuss goals, and review medical history.


Pre-Treatment Appointment

Finalize treatment plan, take mouth impressions, and discuss anesthesia options.

Pre-Treatment Appointment

Surgery Day

Place the dental implants into the jawbone. In most cases, you will leave with a healing denture.

Surgery Day

Post-Operative Check-Ups

Monitor healing and address any immediate post-surgical concerns.

Post-Operative Check-Ups

Healing Period

Allow 3-6 months for osseointegration, where the implants bond with the jawbone.

Healing Period

Impressions for Final Prosthesis

Take mouth impressions / scans for the permanent teeth.

Impressions for Final Prosthesis

Fitting of Permanent Prosthesis

Replace the temporary teeth with the permanent, custom-made teeth.

Fitting of Permanent Prosthesis

Follow-Up and Maintenance

Ensure the health of the implants and the surrounding tissue.

Follow-Up and Maintenance

Implant Dentures vs. Traditional Dentures

Comparing features of traditional implants with snap-in implant dentures and All-on-4

Affording All-on-4®

At Smile Science Dental Spa, we understand that the journey to achieving your best smile should be accessible and affordable for everyone. We’re proud to offer the All-on-4® dental implant solution, a transformative approach to restorative dentistry, at the most competitive price in the area. Here’s how we make it easier for you to afford this life-changing treatment:

Leading in Affordability Without Compromising Quality

We offer the most competitive rates for All-on-4® treatments in the area. We are committed to providing our patients with high-quality care without the hefty price tag. Our affordability does not compromise the quality of care you receive; we ensure every patient benefits from our expert team's experience and the latest advancements in dental technology.

Zygomatic Implants: A Solution for All

Understanding that some patients may lack the bone density required for traditional implants, we offer zygomatic implants. This innovative option extends the possibility of All-on-4® implants to nearly anyone, regardless of bone availability. Our clinic is one of the few in the area equipped and skilled in this advanced technique, ensuring that more people can achieve their dream smile, even when other clinics might say it's not possible.

Flexible Financing Options

Financial flexibility is key to accessing necessary dental care, which is why we've partnered with multiple third-party lending partners to offer a variety of financing options. These partnerships allow us to offer plans that can stretch the cost of your All-on-4® treatment over up to 10 years, with low interest rates. Our goal is to make your monthly payments as manageable as a cellphone bill, ensuring that financial constraints don't keep you from the smile you deserve.

Commitment to Your Smile

We believe that everyone deserves to smile with confidence, and financial barriers shouldn't prevent anyone from receiving the care they need. Our team is dedicated to working with you to find the best financing plan that fits your budget, ensuring that you can proceed with your All-on-4® treatment worry-free.


"Teeth in a Day"
$ 14,000
  • Fixed in place using screws (non-removable)
  • Custom color and design
  • Same-day prosthesis

Porcelain Upgrade

Zyrconia Hybrid
$ 6,000
  • Same features as All-on-4®
  • Upgraded zirconia prosthesis
  • Improved esthetics and durability

Affordable Financing Options

Dental implants are a significant investment in your health and self-confidence. Understanding the importance of this treatment, we offer the option to break down the investment into manageable monthly payments. This flexibility makes life-changing dental services more accessible, fitting comfortably into your budget. We collaborate with a range of financing providers to present payment plans that can cover the full or partial cost of your dental implant procedure. These options are particularly advantageous for all our patients, especially those managing a fixed income. With our flexible financing arrangements, you can achieve the benefits of a healthy, beautiful smile without financial stress.

Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions from patients are answered below

The All-On-4 dental implant procedure is a surgical technique used to rehabilitate the mouths of patients with severely decayed teeth, gum disease, or tooth loss. This method involves the placement of four dental implants in the jawbone, which serve as anchors for a full arch of prosthetic teeth. The unique aspect of All-On-4 is that it often utilizes the available bone without the need for bone grafting, making it an efficient solution for immediate improvement in function and appearance. The implants are placed at an angle to maximize contact with the existing bone, providing a stable foundation for the replacement teeth.

Yes, one of the significant advantages of the All-On-4 procedure is that patients can usually eat with their new teeth from day one. After the procedure, patients are typically advised to stick to a soft diet for a certain period to ensure proper healing and integration of the implants with the bone. However, the immediate function is a key benefit, allowing patients to enjoy some foods without significant interruption to their daily lives.

The cost of the All-On-4 procedure can vary widely depending on geographic location, the dentist's experience, and the specific needs of the patient, such as additional treatments required. Generally, the cost can range from $15,000 to $30,000 per arch, but prices can be higher in certain areas or with certain providers. It's important to consult with a dental professional to get an accurate estimate based on a personalized treatment plan.

The All-On-4 dental implant procedure has been available since the mid-1990s. Developed by Dr. Paulo Malo in collaboration with Nobel Biocare, this technique has been refined over the years and has become a widely accepted solution for full arch rehabilitation in patients with significant tooth loss or decay.

Caring for All-On-4 dental implants involves regular brushing, flossing, and rinsing with an antibacterial mouthwash, similar to natural teeth. It is also essential to maintain regular dental check-ups and cleanings to ensure the longevity of the implants and the prosthetic teeth. Special care tools like interdental brushes or water flossers may be recommended to help clean around the implants and under the prosthetic arch.

New full-arch All-On-4 implants are designed to feel like natural teeth. Patients often report a significant improvement in their ability to chew and speak compared to their previous dental conditions. There may be an adjustment period as you get used to the feel of the new teeth in your mouth, but most people adapt quickly and enjoy the restored function and aesthetics.

The All-On-4 procedure is performed under local anesthesia or sedation, minimizing discomfort during the surgery. Post-operative pain is generally manageable with prescribed pain medication and typically subsides within a few days. Most patients report that the discomfort is less than they anticipated and feel that the benefits of the procedure far outweigh the temporary post-operative pain.

After the All-On-4 procedure, it's normal to experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort, but these symptoms are usually manageable with medication and should gradually improve within the first week. Following your dentist's post-operative care instructions is crucial for minimizing pain and ensuring a smooth recovery.

Minor bleeding is normal after the All-On-4 procedure and may last for a few hours to a couple of days. Patients are usually advised to bite on gauze pads to help control bleeding and to avoid strenuous activity in the immediate post-operative period to minimize the risk of prolonged bleeding.

Yes, sedation or general anesthesia is available for patients undergoing the All-On-4 procedure. This option is particularly beneficial for patients who experience dental anxiety or for those who wish to be completely unaware during the procedure. The type of sedation or anesthesia used will depend on the patient's health, preferences, and the recommendation of the dental surgeon.

Increased salivation after an All-On-4 procedure is a common response as your mouth adjusts to the presence of new dental implants and prosthetics. Your body may perceive the new teeth as foreign objects initially, leading to increased saliva production as a natural lubricating and cleansing mechanism. This reaction is typically temporary, and salivation levels should normalize as you become accustomed to your new teeth.

The typical recovery time following an All-On-4 dental implant procedure varies from patient to patient but generally ranges from a few days to a week for the initial healing of soft tissues. However, complete integration of the implants with the jawbone, known as osseointegration, can take several months. Most patients are able to resume normal activities within a day or two post-surgery, with certain dietary restrictions to ensure proper healing.

Smile Science Dentures & Implants may differentiate itself from other local dental implant providers through personalized care, advanced technology, experienced specialists, and a commitment to patient education and satisfaction. This could include offering comprehensive treatment planning, utilizing state-of-the-art dental implant techniques, and providing a warm, welcoming environment that prioritizes patient comfort and outcomes.

Smile Science Dentures & Implants might set itself apart from corporate implant centers by offering a more personalized and patient-focused approach. This could involve tailored treatment plans that consider the individual needs and preferences of each patient, direct communication with dental professionals, and a commitment to high-quality care without the pressures often associated with corporate quotas or standardized treatment protocols.

Professional cleaning frequency for All-On-4 teeth can vary, but it is generally recommended to have them cleaned by a dental professional every 6 months, similar to natural teeth. However, based on individual oral health status, some patients may require more frequent cleanings to maintain optimal implant health and longevity.

Yes, one of the hallmark benefits of the All-On-4 procedure is the ability to attach a full-arch dental bridge to the implants on the same day as the surgery. This "Teeth in a Day" approach allows patients to leave the dental office with a functional and aesthetic set of teeth immediately after implant placement, although these may be temporary prostheses to be replaced with permanent ones after complete healing.

It's advisable to wait until your dental professional gives you the go-ahead before using a water flosser/Waterpik after your All-On-4 procedure. This is typically after the initial healing period, often a few weeks post-surgery, to ensure that the implants and soft tissues are not disturbed during their critical healing phase.

The All-On-4 technique allows for fixed teeth in one day due to the strategic placement of four dental implants that provide immediate support for a full-arch prosthesis. The implants are placed at specific angles in areas of the jaw with higher bone density, which often enables them to be loaded with prosthetic teeth immediately. This process bypasses the need for bone grafting and lengthy healing times associated with traditional implants.

The All-On-4 procedure may still be an option for patients who have been told they have insufficient bone for traditional implants. Its innovative approach involves angling the posterior implants to take advantage of available bone, potentially eliminating the need for bone grafting. It's important to consult with a dental implant specialist who has experience with All-On-4 to assess your specific situation.

Yes, one of the significant advantages of the All-On-4 procedure is that it can include extractions, implant placement, and attachment of a fixed provisional bridge all in the same day. This comprehensive approach minimizes treatment time and allows patients to leave the dental office with a functional set of teeth in just one appointment, though permanent prosthetics are typically placed after full healing and integration of the implants.

Yes, food particles can sometimes get under All-On-4 bridges, just as with natural teeth and gums. However, proper oral hygiene practices, including brushing, flossing with special tools like water flossers, and regular professional cleanings, can help minimize this issue and maintain oral health.

The final All-On-4 teeth can be made from various materials, including acrylic fused to a titanium framework, porcelain, or zirconia. The choice of material often depends on the patient's preference, aesthetic considerations, and functional requirements. Zirconia offers high durability and a natural appearance, making it a popular choice for final prostheses.

The amount of time off work needed after an All-On-4 procedure varies with the individual's job nature and personal recovery rate. Most patients can return to non-physically demanding jobs within a few days. However, if your job requires strenuous physical activity, you might need a week or more to recover fully.

Smile Science Dentures & Implants may be able to offer the All-On-4 procedure at a lower cost due to efficiencies in their treatment processes, bulk purchasing of materials, or a business model that allows for reduced overhead costs. Additionally, they may have specialized in this procedure, leading to cost-effectiveness that can be passed on to patients.

Many dental practices, including Smile Science Dentures & Implants, likely offer financing options or payment plans to make the All-On-4 procedure more accessible to patients. These plans may vary in terms of down payment, interest rates, and repayment periods, so it's best to inquire directly with the provider for specific details.

Dental practices may offer warranties or guarantees on the All-On-4 procedure, covering aspects like implant failure, prosthetic durability, or satisfaction with the aesthetic outcome. The specifics of these warranties can differ, so it's important to discuss them with Smile Science Dentures & Implants to understand what is covered.

There's typically no absolute "too young" age for the All-On-4 procedure, as it's more about the condition of your oral health and bone density rather than age. However, it's generally recommended for individuals who have lost most or all of their teeth or are facing significant dental issues. A thorough evaluation by a dental professional can determine if it's a suitable option.

For recovery at home after the All-On-4 procedure, it's advisable to have soft foods, ice packs for swelling, over-the-counter pain relief medication (as recommended by your dentist), a gentle oral rinse, and possibly a pillow to keep your head elevated. Ensure you have a comfortable resting area and minimize activities that could strain your healing process.

There may be an initial adjustment period as you get accustomed to your new All-On-4 teeth. Speaking and eating might feel different at first, but most patients quickly adapt. Practicing speaking and gradually introducing various foods can help expedite the adjustment period.

The All-On-4 procedure itself can often be completed in one day, including extractions, implant placement, and attachment of a provisional prosthesis. However, the entire process from initial consultation to the fitting of the final, permanent teeth can take several months, depending on the healing and osseointegration process.


20118 N 67th Ave. Ste 308
Glendale, AZ 85308

Phone & Fax

Phone: (480) 530-3663
Fax: (480) 530-3536

Business Hours

Monday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
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